[to English Below]


Kristallschalen aus reinem Quarz erzeugen überirdische schöne und wohltuende Klänge. Eine Kaskade an Klangfarben, vielfältigen Tönen und Qualität sprudelt aus ihnen hervor. Unsere Ohren, unser Körper und unsere Stimmung scheinen nach so einer umfassenden Stimulation zu dürsten, der ganze Organismus atmet auf im Reizklima dieser Klangwelt.
Wie von einem Laser gebündelt berühren die Klänge unseren Körper und schwingen im Inneren fort. Sie wandern durch alle Schichten hindurch, erreichen jede Zelle. Jeder Ton erzeugt eine spezifische Vibration und mit ihr eine eigene, winzige Massage. Wie der sprichwörtliche Tropfen den Stein höhlt, so berühren die Mikro-Bewegungen der feinen Klänge immer wieder Festes und locken es, weich zu werden.

Die Substanz dieser KristallSchalen ist Silizium-Sand. Natürlicher, superreiner Quarz. Der Sand wird in eine Form eingebracht, die mit hoher Geschwindigkeit in einer Zentrifuge rotiert. Im Zentrum der Form brennt eine mehrere Tausend Grad heiße Fackel, die den Quarz schmelzen läßt. Es bildet sich eine KristallSchale, deren Klang ebenso Präzise und Rein ist wie das Gefäß, das ihn hervorbringt.

The different sizes of the bowls correspond to musical notes and to the chakras of the body. According to different schools there are seven or eight main chakras. When you play the bowls the sound enters the energy field of the body, creating resonance.

The bowls are composed of pure quartz. The original inspiration for them came from the metal Tibetan bowls.


The higher frequencies created by the bowls have most influence on the upper part of the body and the head while the deeper tones mostly affect the lower part of the body.  Each note or vibration can affect a different and specific area of the body. These vibrations influence the mental, emotional and the etheric body as well as the physical body.

When our body, our emotions and our minds are in tune, we have easy access to our deeper self. The vibrations support letting go of what is in the way of our connection to self and to source - the condition of being One.  The psychic Edgar Cayce once said that vibrations are the medicine of the future. The future is now.

How do the tones work on the human body?

The bowls create a very pure vibration - a sine wave you can hear up to 600 metres. This wave moves out into space, and moves through physical material. The human body has is a natural resonator and is itself made out of billions of fluid crystals.

The researcher Norman Mikesell, who worked closely with Marcel Vogel, discovered that a large part of our organism is made out of fluid crystals. He also found that healthy tissues have more fluid crystals than unhealthy tissues. If the tissue of the body is sick, the atomic organisation of the crystals is broken down.

Our bones are mostly made out of collagen, and this type of protein is calcium phosphate crystal (Apatite). This is the reason why the structure of the bones has the ability to resonate.  Resonance is the ability of one object‘s vibration to set off a similar vibration in another object.

The outer vibration of the bowls affects the inner vibration of the body - harmonising, resonating and integrating. The powerful spinal vibrations effect the whole body, resonating from the bones into the nervous system and from here into the organs and tissues, cells, and in turn the circulatory and endocrine systems, the hemispheres of the brain, balancing the entire body and its auric field.

How the tones work on the cellular system

Often our cells are not vibrating in harmony. The tone of the bowls goes directly into the cellular system and creates balance through oscillation and resonance.

How the tones work on the energy field

The energy field of the human body is not flesh and bones, but energetic frequencies. Sickness and disease is first visible in the energy field before it manifests in the physical body.

The frequency of the energy body is affected directly by the bowls. Sickness, which is already visible in the energy system, can harmonised by altering the frequency.

The emotional body

Tones have in many ways a big influence on our feelings and therefore on our emotional body. Listening to certain tones we feel better, we can even feel high, or we can be brought into deep uneasiness or depression. Tones can also make suppressed feelings come to the surface - for example sadness or fear.

Harmonic tones bring memories from our light body - love and joy and also sadness. The body is longing for a particular frequency, and the tones can help the body remember this frequency.  As we allow these tones to vibrate our body, so we unfold this frequency, which can also heal us.

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